Sam McDadi B.Sc., MBA Sales Representative
Sam was raised in the city of Mississauga where he attended Lorne Park Secondary school. In his teen years, Sam developed a passion and talent for tennis. He spent countless hours on the court and competed successfully at both the provincial and national levels.
After completing high school, Sam obtained a tennis scholarship at Nicholls State University as the number two player in singles and the number one player in doubles.
While spending three to six hours a day on the tennis court, weight room and track field, Sam still made the Dean’s and President’s lists in each of his four years at the University. He graduated with an honors Bachelor of Science degree in Finance.
Sam then enrolled at the University of South Carolina where he completed his Masters of Business Administration degree with honors.
Back in Canada, Sam spent two years in the corporate sector working as a financial analyst with two large multi-national companies. However, Sam felt his true love was marketing and sales. Having decided to embark upon a real estate sales career, he has never looked back.
Sam’s commitment to his clients and work ethic are unparalleled. His unique and innovative approach to the real estate business includes assembling a team which call themselves Team McDadi. This allows Sam the opportunity to continually grow his business while ensuring his clients receive the highest level of service. As a direct result of his efforts, Sam continues to be one of the top ranking realtors in the country.
In recent years, Sam has been featured on both television and radio talk shows helping to educate the public about the real estate market.