Buying a home is probably the biggest purchase you will ever make, and the long-term nature of the purchase makes it important for you to get it right before signing any paperwork. A house that looks perfect on paper could end up having the wrong feel when you see it in person, so it is important for buyers to really get to know a house before deciding to make it their home.
Going through this checklist before making a purchase decision can help buyers choose the right home.
The first consideration to be made when looking for a home is price. There is no point in looking at homes outside of your price range, but you should be aware that houses that are slightly out of your price range could be made affordable during the negotiation process. Remember to take down payment, closing costs and monthly mortgage payments into consideration when deciding whether a house is affordable for your budget.
Condition of the Home
A home that is in your price range is not necessarily affordable if it needs a lot of work. Fixes for design flaws can be put off until funds can be saved up, but step back and decide whether you would be okay with waiting it out with a pink tile bathroom or neon shag carpet. Damage that must be fixed immediately should be factored into the price of the home in order to determine whether it is affordable.
Size and Layout
No two families are exactly alike. You may feel that your four-person family needs half as much space as the average family, or you may feel more comfortable in a larger home. The number of bedrooms and bathrooms is also important, and the layout of the home that you are considering should be examined. Do you want an open layout? Look at homes that offer this feature, or be prepared to take on the cost of opening up the floor plan.
The design of a home can be changed, but you will need to pay for any major changes in the style of a home. Do you want a modern home that has clean design elements, or do you prefer the ornate style of the past? Pay attention to these small style features while looking at a potential purchase.
As a Mississauga real estate agent with more than 25 years of experience, I can help you find the right home. Please contact me at 905-502-1500, to discuss with me how I can help you find your dream home.