Selling your home can be a stressful situation because your house should be ready to show at all times. An experienced Mississauga real estate agent knows that it is necessary to keep all rooms picked up, surfaces scrubbed, and the home smelling fresh and welcoming, to enhance the marketability of the home to potential buyers interested enough for an initial walk-through.

This is a tall order considering the home owner cannot put their lives on hold while the home is on the market. This situation is especially daunting when young children are involved.

Declutter to Create Space

Pack up or discard items that are no longer needed or wanted. This will make the home feel larger than it is. Less furniture and clutter simplifies the cleaning process because it eliminates the need to move things around for a quick dusting and vacuuming.

Always Clean as You Go

Instruct everyone in the household to put things away as soon as activities are finished. Beds should be made upon waking, bathrooms scrubbed after use and the dining room picked up after every meal. Leave baskets or covered totes by the doorway of every room to use as instant hideaways for toys, books and personal belongings. Be prepared to move totes to a designated hiding place such as the garage when the realtor calls for a viewing on short notice.

Prepare a Basket Filled with Cleaning Supplies

Spray cleaners, polishers and clean rags should be ready to grab and swish when potential buyers are on the way. Clean counter space in bathrooms and in the kitchen by quickly moving personal items into cabinets. Spray surfaces and wipe off. Porcelain and stainless steel sinks and fixtures look sparkling clean after polishing with a dry cloth. Use cleansers with pleasant scents such as lemon or lavender.

The House Should Smell Like Home

Improve air circulation by opening windows when possible. Avoid preparing dishes that tend to leave a cloying smell. Instead, prepare packages of ready-to-bake cookie dough that can be popped in the oven shortly before potential buyers are scheduled to arrive. Fresh flowers and scented oils will add a nice touch to a home for sale, but they should not be overdone.

Consult a Mississauga Real Estate Agent

Aside from guiding home sellers through a stressful experience, a seasoned real estate agent will know the best tips to maximize the marketability of a home. Sam McDadi has been in the business of helping families sell and buy their homes for over 20 years. Call 905-502-1500 or visit for more information.