When trying to sell a home, it pays to get as much exposure as possible. As an experienced Mississauga real estate agent, I advise my clients to open up their homes from time to time to get more visibility.
Although it may be inconvenient to have to clear out of your own home for a few hours, the payoff can be well worth it. As far as frequency goes, there’s a lot of debate. Should you have an open house every weekend? If you’re determined to sell your house as quickly as possible, it may be a worthwhile strategy to consider.

A Few Hours per Weekend can Pay Off in the End

It’s tempting to dismiss open houses as big wastes of time. You may just think they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Here’s the thing though: When your house is on the market, you need to keep it in the best shape possible at all times. You never know when your real estate agent will call you to say that someone would like to look at it. The last thing you want to do is leave interested people hanging. If you have to keep your home in presentable shape at all times, why not set aside a few hours each weekend for an open house?

Do Open Houses Work?

Real estate agents can’t seem to agree about whether open houses work or not. One thing is for sure: They don’t hurt your odds of selling your home. You might think it’s pointless because many neighbours will stroll through your home during an open house. However, they could go on to tell others about your home, which would dramatically increase its exposure. I’ve seen it happen several times. The positive word of mouth that can be generated by regular open houses can be considerable.

Give it a Try

One of the reasons that I’ve enjoyed such success as a Mississauga real estate agent is because I’m willing to go the distance for my clients. I would never discourage them from holding open houses every weekend. My team and I will happily accommodate such requests. After all, we want to do whatever it takes to help you sell your home quickly. Just remember that open houses really aren’t complicated. While you’re out shopping or doing something else, your house is open to anyone who might be interested. When you look at it that way, it’s easy to see how regular open houses can help.

For more information on selling or buying a home in Mississauga, please call me at 905-502-1500; I would be happy to help you.